Photography exhibition held in streetlamps of
Jingumae 2-chome, Shibuya, Tokyo.
"Walk With Me" is a temporary exhibition of 59 photographs from 2019 and 2020 displayed in 42 street lamps dotted around the Jingumae 2-chome. It is based on the long-term project Out of Memory — a visual diary documenting Toto's walks and life in a series of photographs.
Walking is a cure. I discovered this in my late teens. Whenever I felt sad, I'd go out and start walking without a destination or sense of time. I walked until it felt right. This became my secret weapon for my mental health. In a couple of years, prescription became a habit. I walked even when I felt good. It helped with my depression and enabled me to explore two of my favorite places.
I was taking photos from a very early age, but I never connected it with walking, as apparent as it seems. In 2017, I decided to carry a camera whenever I went out and started to document my walks. In some odd way, this has become a documentation of the state of my mind rather than the streets. I took photos of everything my brain would fixate on. My hands obediently followed the stream of thoughts in my head. I pushed the shutter release without any prejudice or analysis. As a photographer — this was new for me. New and liberating.
This exhibition is a projection of my mind while I walked out my sadness or hardships of life during 2019 and 2020. I will show you how my legs and mind wander through the streets of two cities I consider my home today — Tokyo and Tbilisi.
Come, walk with me.
— Toto Tvalavadze
Tokyo / 東京, 2022
Toto is a Tokyo-based Georgian photographer and independent photo bookmaker. He is focused on small-scale projects about life in the city and how the sprawling urban environment influences its occupants. Out of Memory is a long-term series of bi-annual photo magazines documenting his presence, feelings, and sights experienced in Tokyo and elsewhere.
写真家であり、独立したフォトブックメーカーでもあるジョージア人のTotoは東京を拠点とし、都市での生活や、広大な都市環境がそこに住む人々にどのような影響を与えるかについての小規模なプロジェクトを中心に活動しています。「Out of Memory」は、東京やその他の場所で経験した彼の存在、感情、光景を記録した長期的な写真誌シリーズです。
My thanks to all the people who helped and supported me with this project.
Special thanks to Lorenzo Menghi, 沢辺均, Valentina Liuni, and Sophie Badiashvili.